Customization Fasteners,Special Part Fasteners Manufacturers

Country: China

Contact information

Customization Fasteners,Special Part Fasteners Manufacturers
Address:: Fengshan, Qinshan Town, Haiyan, Jiaxing,Zhejiang Province, China.
Town: Zhejiang
Zip Code: 314300
Phone: 86-136-4583-0970
Fax: 86-573-86406131


DinBiao is one of Asia's most advanced high precision fastener manufacturers.The company specializes in the production of high strength fastener while also offering a complete supply solution for all types of industrial fasteners.DinBiao's high-tech manufacturing facility in China operates with computerized production lines, automated sorting, packing and warehousing to ensure superior product management and 'on time' delivery performance.

Information updated: 2017-12-28 10:15:22